Friday, February 23, 2007

Saxon math for the beginning kids

Kids who is very bad in math or does not like math, with saxon math they will start to love it and also build their confidence in math. The kids will find saxon math easily to learn. Saxon math introduces small bits of information about fractions and then allows your child to practice his new skill. For the beginning learners saxon math teaches the children how to count numbers in block, reading the time of the clock, and learning the date, month and year of the calender. In the meantime your child is learning small bits of how to solve a story problem and also a new lesson with a few practice problems and also mental math each day.

My sister daugther with her mother who teaches her saxon math every day at home can tell you the time of the day and also read the day, month and year of the calender and also can spell the calender months of the year. She is only three years old and very good in counting.
